'Drishti The Vision' was founded on 1st November 1999. Since then, we have been one of the top choices for preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE).
In recent years, and especially in the Hindi medium, there have been more than a thousand selections from Drishti IAS. We, therefore, believe that students who follow our methods and work hard on our scientifically designed schedules shall achieve success in this examination. With this goal in mind, we have finally decided to design, develop and prepare a one-of-a-kind course for English medium aspirants.
Another reason for launching our English medium course is to fill a void in the UPSC coaching community. This void, as described by many of the aspirants, is that of a well-structured and intensive classroom programme. Aspirants want a classroom programme that gradually takes them from the very basics of a subject to the level needed for UPSC CSE. They also need classroom programmes that do not burden them to the extent of them being not able to maintain their own study time.
Our newly designed classroom programme, therefore, caters to the needs of the aspirant in a variety of ways. Let us see how.