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  • 11 Jul 2022 GS Paper 1 Indian Society

    Day 1: Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on youth in India. (150 Words)

    • Briefly explain globalization.
    • Discuss the various positive and negative impacts of globalization on Indian youth.
    • Conclude by giving some measures to reduce the negative impact of globalization


    Globalisation envisages a borderless world or seeks the world as a global village. It may be attributed to the accelerated flow of goods, people, capital, information, and energy across borders, often enabled by technological developments.

    The impact of globalization is far reaching. Due to their fragile transitional position in a rapidly changing and uncertain global context, youth are most affected by globalization. Thus, globalization not only provides economic opportunities among the youth but also comes with social costs.

    Positive impacts

    • Due to globalisation youth have got the opportunity to select the best material and product all over the globe.
    • Youth got opportunities to form inter-regional relations beyond their physical area.
    • Youth have opportunities to adopt Western practice and other practices in-consistency with international values like International Human Rights.
    • Information Technologies has brought new ideas, competitive practices and means of entertainment from vast resources.
    • From the career point of view, youth have more opportunities to select courses beyond their national boundaries to seek excellence.
    • Globalisation augmented the mobility of youth with respect to work and education.
    • On the ideological front, youth have a chance to formulate a composite ideology on the basis of all ideologies available with respect to their own culture, values and preferences and form a global psychology.

    Negative effects

    • Availability of more products and materials brought unsustainable practice of consumerism among the youth.
    • Globalisation leads to weakening of social bonds, relations and leads to formation of pseudo-relation and connection which sometimes results in tendencies of suicide and depression.
    • Adaption of westernised values and thought leads to deterioration of belief in local knowledge and practices and prevails inferior and biased thought about them. It is also harming basic social institutions like family and marriage.
    • Globalisation is influencing youth towards harmful activities like the gaming disorder (Blue whale game) and drug abuse.
    • Youth face more uncertainty about their career choices and tend to make irrational selections without considering other factors.
    • Global migration for education and work prevails selection of unsafe destinations like Ukraine-medical student crises and leads to poor urban habitats.
    • The combination of ideologies and information technology amid globalization lead to destructive influence and brainstorming of youth.

    To reduce the negative impact of globalization on youth, they must be empowered to achieve their full potential in education, skill development and employment, entrepreneurship, health and healthy lifestyle etc. The National Youth Policy-2014 (NYP-2014) gave emphasis on promotion of social values, community engagement, participation in politics and governance, youth engagement, inclusion and social justice.

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