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  • 21 Dec 2020 GS Paper 4 Theoretical Questions

    Whether situational or universal, there are human values that are fundamental in standards of conduct and guide of ethical behavior. Comment. (250 words)

    • Define values and mention its different types.
    • Discuss why human values have greater significance.
    • Provide suitable examples in favour of your argument.
    • Write a suitable conclusion.


    • Values are elements of life that we hold as important or desirable. They are standards of conduct and guide of human behavior. Values give meaning and strength to a person's character by occupying a central place in his life.


    Values reflect one’s personal attitude and judgments, decisions and choices, behaviour and relationships. Values can be relative as well as absolute.

    • Relative values: These are based on individual and societal standards, their likes, dislikes, social norms, tradition, for instance Indian traditional values of ‘Vasudev Kutumbakam’, universal brotherhood, tolerance may contradict with western values of liberalism, individualism and utilitarianism. Values evolve to bring order in the society and are culture specific. They evolve along with the cultures.
      • For example: The present generation of Indian society is more ambition sensitive, showing more assertiveness, instead of Indian traditional values of sacrifice and selflessness.The norms of nuclear family and even live-in relationships are more socially accepted today.
    • Absolute values: Universal values like truth, gratitude, peace, non-violence, sympathy, are considered beyond time and space. They are core values and are fundamental. They do not change and remain stable. The standards of conduct differ from person to person, society to society but there can be some values which can be considered universal.
      • For example: Murder is a crime in every society and hence a universal norm.
      • Immanuel Kant considered human dignity as a universal value and one of his categorical imperatives.

    Human Values

    • Human values whether situational or universal are essential for people to behave like humans. Since a person is born as a human different from animals therefore, society has evolved some values due to human interface, interaction with other fellow humans.
    • They are values which guide the behaviour of two or more humans. Compassion, empathy, solidarity are some examples of human values.

    Significance of Human Values

    • Since the human element is common among all people, human values will also be common to all across situations, circumstances, conditions. While other values like socio-cultural values may change from place to place.
    • Human values are related to the core identity of human i.e. dignity and respect.
    • Human values are present inherently in human beings by virtue of being a human while other values are inculcated in human beings through the process of
    • socialization.
    • Human values are more responsible for binding people to live in a society or country as there are many divisive forces because of different socio-cultural values.
    • Peaceful co-existence of the entire human civilisation rests on adherence to human values.
    • When forces of Nationalism and Patriotism try to take the front seat, there is a kind of hostility, protectionist feelings generated among the people of different countries. Therefore, Humanity should always be at a higher pedestal than other such values.


    • Adherence to human values such as love and compassion is required in today’s world which is affected by many conflicts such as civil wars, refugee crises and terrorism. It is with those human values that one becomes truly able to put into practice his/her ethical values, such as justice, integrity, refusal of violence and ban to kill – even in a crisis situation.
    • Human values convey a positive and affective surge, which reinforces the rationale of moral values. They are the values that permit us to live together in harmony and personally contribute to peace.
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