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  • 12 Jul 2019 GS Paper 2 International Relations

     In shedding “hesitations of history”, India’s foreign policy seems to be moving away from “non-alignment.” Comment. (250 words)



    • Briefly describe policy of Non alignment and its context.
    • Talk about the historical stand India has taken over the years.
    • Mention what led to the recent shift in the policy.
    • Give examples highlighting recent shift having broad contours.
    • Conclude by giving India’s balanced approach.


    Non Alignment –its context

    • The term Non alignment was coined by V.K. Menon in 1953 and was popularized by Jawaharlal Nehru.
    • Policy of Non-alignment had its genesis in the backdrop of the Cold war, where the U.S. and USSR signified 2 power blocs of the era.
    • India’s Non alignment was about not joining any of the bloc and taking a balanced approach. It was to enable the domestic transformation of India from a poor and backward society and steer it away from any major global crisis.


    The term ‘hesitancy of history’ was used by ex-US president Barack Obama in 2015 when India moved towards US overlooking its traditional partner Russia.

    • India has always had closer ties with USSR sharing a time tested friendship.
    • Principles of social justice, equality and human dignity were borrowed from socialist model of USSR. Early nationalist leaders related more to soviet ideology.
    • India also shared close diplomatic strategic and trade ties with the USSR.
    • Treaty of friendship with the USSR in 1971, the country's largest arms supplier.

    However scenario has significantly changed since the disintegration of the USSR in 1991 and the emergence of multiple power dynamics.

    • Economic needs of the fast developing India had to be supported by the opening of its economy and getting more foreign assistance.
    • World that emerged post soviet era saw the rise of the US as both an economic and strategic power. It was difficult to pursue India’s growth trajectory without engaging with US.
    • India signed a nuclear deal with the US in 2008.
    • India today is a signatory to 3 of 4 US foundational agreements that it signs with its strategic defence partners that is LEMOA, COMACASA and GSOMIA.
    • US recently changed the name of its Pacific command to Indo-Pacific command.
    • Globalization, growing interdependence, and the emergence of transnational challenges have pushed India to engage with multiple global partners.
    • Emergence of economic powerhouse in form of China has also posed a new challenge in front of India.

    Departure of stance not only limited to US.

    • India today has vibrant relations with Israel which were earlier marred with Palestinian considerations.
    • India’s traditional stance has always been of recognition of Arab rights of Palestine and limited relations with Israel.
    • India is a member of QUAD which partners Japan, US, Australia and India. It looks to further Indian interest in pacific region creating a major power bloc in the region.
    • India is also a member of major groupings such as BRICS, ASEAN and BIMSTEC etc. emphasizing Indian engagement in multiple global fronts.


    • It would not be right to call it a departure from india’s policy of Non alignment.
      • Indo-US trade dispute in the WTO, India’s largest arms deal with Russia (S-400) despite of US’s reservations, special window given by the US to Indian purchase of oil from Iran.
    • Indian considerations in foreign relations are driven by their own strategic autonomy.
    • Indian foreign policy is evolving to encompass the growing needs of its national security and prosperity.
    • However Non alignment being India’s own brainchild, it is unlikely that it will not be a part of India’s near future foreign policy.
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