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Prelims Refresher Program 2020

Hot Topics 2020

Day 50

  • 08 Sep 2020
  • 1 min read

Welcome to the Prelims Refresher Programme 2020 - Article Page. On this page, we will provide you with 3 things:

  • A list of topics for revision.
  • A brief discussion of the topics if needed.
  • Links to various sources for preparing these topics.
In the comments, you can ask us to clear your doubts regarding any of the topics listed on the page. We will do our best to explain and clarify your doubts. Further, we may also share links to other web based learning sources like websites or videos, or may refer to you, books, documents etc. Please be cordial to your fellow aspirants and use these doubt-clearing conversations strictly to its stated purpose.

International Events: Hot Topics

There has been a trend that quite often UPSC asks about the events which have been in the news. One can any time expect several questions on the current hot topics. Moreover, questions from this topic can be asked from static portions. Thus, in this context, this section becomes very important from a prelims point of view.

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